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       Capacitor is a voltage storing device it is store the charge in the form of voltage this is block the DC (Direct current) current and pass the AC  (Alternating current  230V) current

Different types of capacitors such as :-

  •       Ceramic capacitor
  •       Polyester capacitor
  •       Non polarized capacitor
  •      Electrolytic capacitor

The unit of capacitor is Farad , it is measured  in farad the farad name is given by the British physician Michael Faraday     Farad is a very large unit it has  a different parts such as , micro farad , nano farad , and  Pico farad     

  1. 1)       micro farad   (uF) :- 1uF = 1/1 000.000  = 0.0000001 = 10^-6 F
  1. 2)       nano farad   (nF) :- 1nF = 1/1 000.000.000 = 0.000000000 = 10^-9F
  1. 3)       Pico farad  (PF) :- 1PF = 1/1 = .000000000000 = =10^-12


The  capacitor works on different types of voltage  rating  if it is cross that pic voltage level then capacitor is blast when the capacitor connect the battery it is store the  charge  after charging capacitor connect the any electrical device  it will discharge

The capacitor works on AC (Alternating current) as well as DC(Direct current)

  •  In DC supply the capacitor connect in series with any  electronics device ,this device work only during the charging of capacitor  when capacitor is charge the  then the device is stop the working because the property of capacitor it is block the DC voltage

  • The capacitor will connect  in parallel in DC supply there will be no effect on the electronic device it is continually  ON condition because DC supply will not filter in this condition

  • In AC supply capacitor connect in series with device these device will fluctuate and continusly on and off  there is not capture from human eyes

  • When the capacitor connect in parallel in AC supply then it will block the current   and device will be fully off

  • This capacitors are most used I rectifier because converting AC supply in to a DC supply  efficiently and capacitor is work like filter on the  rectifier circuit

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