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Necessity of heat sink

Information about Heat sink:

Heat sink is a device which designed to absorb and Dissipate heat away from high temperature object.


Heat generated by electronic devices is absorb by heat sink and then transfer it to surrounding. Heat 
sink made up of metal, such as copper or aluminium alloy and they are placed with the processor.

Heat sink operation base don fourier’s law of heat: 
When temperature exist in body then heat transfer from high temperature to low temperature.


This heat transfer in 3 different ways:

1. Conduction

2. Convection


There are two types of heat sink:

1. Activeheatsink

2. Passiveheatsink
  •  In Passive heat sink there is no mechanical part present.

  •  In active heat sink there is mechanical part present i.e. fan.
Heat sinks are available in various sizes, some areas follows:

Why heat sink used in electronic device?

very electronic device get heated during operation, if temperature of device is not maintained then the lifetime of device will be reduce.

Heat sink working:

 From fig we can see that Heat sink connected to the device and the heat transefer via conduction.

For proper heat transfer the heat sink should be properly connect to the device . After connecting this some air gaps are present between heat sink and device. So by using heat sink compound we can reduce the air gaps.

The heat is transfer using convection method and the minor amount of heat transfer using radiation method.

Heat sink performance parameter:

  1. Area of heat sink

  2. Fine density

  3. Fine spacing

  4. Material

  5. Air flow

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