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Basics Of Microprocessor 80386

Basics Of Microprocessor 80386   

 Intel has invented the first microprocessor in 1971 .It was of 4bits. after in 1972 intel introduced a 8 bit microprocessor.Intel use PMOS technology to build the microprocessor. After they developed the advanced version of a microprocessor has some drawbacks so they invented the upgraded version of a 8080 as a 8085.
    8086 microprocessor was developed in 1979 .it was a 16 bit and having 16 bit data bus with a 20 bit addressing bus. There after many versions were updated of microprocessors.
     Then in 1985 intel came up with a 80386 microprocessor. It was a 32 bit processor. 80386 support 32 bit data and address bus with a 4gb physical memory and 64 gb virtual memory.

80386 was named as a 80386Dx. It operates in mainly three modes as follows:-

  • Virtual mode.
  • Protected mode
  • Real address mode.

80386Dx have a high performance and simple hardware design.

80386 have a signals as follows:-

  • Interrupt interface signals
  • Coprocessor interface signals
  • DMA interface signals
  • Memory i/o interface signals.
       80386 have a registers set namely general purpose registers, segment registers, control registers, test registers, system address registers, flag registers, debug registers, index ,pointer and base registers. It also have a multitasking support, page translation, memory managements, high speed bus interface. 80386dx also have a Descriptor tables. 80386 is very vast to study. Microprocessor is a very intresting subject to learn.

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